Fatal Frame Wiki
Fatal Frame Wiki
Blinding Mask
Japanese name 目隠しの面
Romaji name Mekakushi no men
Item type Mask/Key Item
Description Looks like an eye mask. Huge stakes pierce through the eyes.
Purpose To blind the Blinded Maiden
Location Blinding Room
Variants N/A
Appearances Fatal Frame

The Blinding Mask is a key item found in the Blinding Room in Fatal Frame.


The Blinding Mask was used in the Blinding Ritual. It had two stakes through the eye holes, designed to pierce the eyes of the wearer and blind them.

The maiden on which the ceremony was to be performed was chosen by a game of Demon Tag.

Approximately 10 years later, the maiden to participate in the ceremony was led to the Blinding Room. She was then restrained by two priests who held her eyes open. The mask was then pushed into the maiden's eyes by the Ceremony Master.


Blinding Room - 2nd Night

