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Fatal Frame Wiki
Kaito Hasebe
SC Image
Japanese name 長谷部 海斗
Romaji name Hasebe Kaito
Age Unknown
Hair color Black
Eye color Black
Occupation Journalist
Status Deceased
Family Shiori Hasebe (younger sister)
Appearances Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir
Voice actor (Jp) Fu Suzuki
Voice actor (Eng) Tim Gouran

Kaito Hasebe is a hostile male spirit in Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. After being killed, Kaito begs anyone who finds the diary to save him.


Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir[]

After nights of disturbing revelations, Shiori goes to her older brother Kaito and tells him she has a bad feeling about being cursed. Tired, Kaito brushes her off, says she just needs sleep and to go back to bed. However, it’s not long before Shiori goes missing and Kaito is guilt stricken, realizing she was genuine about being cursed. As a journalist, Kaito finds the purple diary Shiori had and begins to investigate about its origins.

He discovers Shirori is not the first person this has happened to through finding urban legends on the diary. Each night, he dreams of an old house, the door forced shut. He begins to see bloody hand-prints and gets more aggressive with his search, believing it’s his sister trying to contact him. However, once he gets inside, the Woman in Black is there instead. Realizing he is not who she’s looking for, the Woman in Black sews his eyes and mouth shut, killing him.


  • The name Kaito means "sea, ocean" (海) (kai) and "dipper" (斗) (to).
  • Kaito's surname Hasebe means "long" (長) (ha), "valley" (谷) (se), and "section" (部) (be).