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Fatal Frame Wiki
Mutsuki Tachibana
Japanese name 立花 睦月
Romaji name Tachibana Mutsuki
Other names
Age 16
Hair color Black
Eye color Unknown
Occupation Altar twin
Cause of death Crimson Sacrifice Ritual
Encountered in Nowhere
Family Tachibana family
Itsuki Tachibana (twin brother)
Chitose Tachibana (younger sister)
Appearances Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Director's Cut
Fatal Frame II: Deep Crimson Butterfly (Wii Edition)
Voice actor (Jp) none
Voice actor (Eng) none

Mutsuki Tachibana (立花 睦月, Tachibana Mutsuki) was the twin of Itsuki and older brother to Chitose. Mutsuki was born first, which in Minakami custom declared him the “younger” twin. The twins grew up aware of their potential fate regarding the ritual, but felt it was unethical and were determined to find another option. When the boys were 15, the area began to feel the effects of the Abyss, the ritual would have to be performed. The debated running away, however, they realized the next set of twins to be forced into the ritual was their good friends Yae and Sae Kurosawa. During this time, Mutsuki also grew weak[1], making the escape impossible. Resolved to at least not have their friend’s share their fate, the boys went to perform the ritual.

Unfortunately, their ritual ended in failure, the boy’s bond being too strong, resulting in Mutsuki never becoming a butterfly and the abyss continued to cause harm.

Mutsuki’s death created a resolve in Itsuki and that his death would not be in vain if he was able to help Yae and Sae escape their fate.


  • The name Mutsuki means "January" (睦月).
  • Mutsuki's surname Tachibana means "standing" (立) (tachi) and "flower, blossom" (花) (hana/bana).


