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Fatal Frame Wiki
Soya Yomotsuki
Japanese name 四方月 宗也 (よもつき そうや)
Romaji name Yomotsuki Souya
Other names Unknown
Age Unknown
Hair color Unknown
Eye color Unknown
Occupation Mask-maker
Cause of death Killed by Sakuya
Encountered in Shugen Temple (Chapter 11)

Tsukuyomi Lighthouse (Final Chapter)

Family Sayaka Minazuki (former wife)
Ruka Minazuki (daughter)
Appearances Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse
Voice actor (Jp) Fumihiko Tachiki
Voice actor (Eng) N/A
I must make the true Mask of the Lunar Eclipse with my own hands.

—Souya Yomotsuki

Soya Yomotsuki is a hostile male spirit in Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. He had a task to make the masks that the Vessel and Organs used in the Kagura. It is discovered through gameplay that Soya is, in fact, Ruka's father. He is also a descendant of Souetsu Yomotsuki.

Born into a long line of mask makers, Soya was raised to continue the art of mask making. During his adult years, he would marry fellow islander Sayaka and in 1963 had a daughter together, Ruka.

The three lived in their family home within the island for many years in peace. It wasn’t until Shigeto Haibara came to Soya requesting a mask for a forbidden ritual that things began to change. Generations ago, Soya ancestor, Souetsu, made a mask referred to as the Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, which was believed to cure every one of their Moonlight Syndrome. However, this ritual failed causing what was called the Day of Tranquility. Determined to create the perfect mask and cure the island, Soya became distant with his family and submerged himself in his work.

During this time, Sayaka and Soya would argue about his disconnection to his family and neglect of their daughter, who was slowly showing signs of the illness. Sayaka learned that Soya was using their daughter for his masks which was triggering her illness. Upset and desperate, Sayaka removed their daughter from the home and had her hospitalized.

With the masks complete, Soya gave all the items to Shigeto who then used his daughter, Sakuya, for the Rite of Descent. This would unfortunately also end in failure, just as it had the first time. Overwhelmed with guilt and the knowledge of what was to come, Soya shut himself within a cave under the island, awaiting his death in peace.

As he predicted, two years after the failed Rite of Descent, Sakuya awoke from her coma, completely bloomed and began to roam the island, killing anyone who looked her direction. She would eventually find Soya in his hiding spot, ready to accept death due to his guilt over creating the mask.

Upon the defeat of Sakuya and the opening of the afterlife, Soya appears before Ruka, picking up the completed mask he created. She finally sees his face after so long of not remembering and he smiles at her, satisfied that she was able to fix his wrongdoings, and is able to cross over., finding peace at last.


Soya has two attacks. The first has him raise his left hand before conjuring a blue mask that follows the player for minor damage. This mask cannot be dispersed except by stunning Soya with either a Shutter Chance or a Fatal Frame Shot. Fortunately, the animation for this attack is long enough for an upgraded Camera Obscura to catch him with a Shutter Chance before he can phase out. His second attack has him teleport out before suddenly reappearing to attack the player with his tools, and he may overshoot, making it difficult to get a proper Fatal Frame Shot when he performs this.

He is encountered by Ruka as the final opponent for Phase XI: Eclipse, defending his work station as she is retrieving the fragments for the Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. During Final Phase: Hallowed Realm, Soya attacks Ruka three times inside the Cape Tsukiyomi Lighthouse during her ascent to finally defeat Sakuya Haibara.



  • The name Soya means "sect, denomination" (宗) (sou) and "sum of money" (也) (ya).
  • Soya's surname Yomotsuki means "four" (四) (yo), "one, side" (方) (mo), and "moon" (月) (tsuki).

