The Repentance (償い Tsugunai) is the disaster that destroyed All God's Village in Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly.
The Repentance was a feared consequence of a failed Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. The rituals were carried out once signs of The Repentance began to show; poor harvests, earthquakes around the area, and Mourners committing suicide due to the Malice erupting from the Hellish Abyss. The beginning of the end was the failed ritual between the Tachibana brothers, which did nothing to stop the Malice. Sae and Yae Kurosawa were the next twins for the ritual, but fortune struck when a folklorist, Seijiro Makabe, came to research the village. He would later be used in the hidden ritual, making him into a Kusabi and thrown into the Abyss. However, this was not enough to stop the Malice, and the girls' fates were sealed. Yae and Sae attempted an escape, but Sae fell and lost sight of her sister, soon caught by villagers. With Yae gone, the villagers agreed to sacrifice Sae alone, hanging her from the rafters and throwing her body into the Hellish Abyss.
With the already deteriorated state of the Hellish Abyss, combined with the anger from Sae's spirit contacting the Malice, Darkness spewed forth and traveled deep within the village, cursing the area into a never-ending night. Out of the Darkness, the vengeful spirit of Sae Kurosawa and the Kusabi returned from the depths of the Abyss, and brutally murdered all surviving villagers. Those that escaped them, were subjected to madness from the Malice the Darkness brought.
Not only did every villager die during this, but the entire village was also erased from existence and thrown into an eternal time loop of the night before the Repentance occurred.
All those who pass the Twin Deities statue, the only remaining piece of the village, are spirited away to the village and trapped in the time loop as well until they themselves die there, usually at the hands of the spirits.